Food Share is available the first 4 Thursdays of each month from 9:00am – 10:00am in the CPC parking lot.

This vital CPC Ministry touches the lives of hundreds of visitors and our neighbors throughout each year.  80 - 100 hungry people visited our campus on each of 46 Thursdays seeking food and spiritual nourishment for themselves and their families.

Each year nearly 200,000 pounds of fresh and packaged food are distributed to more than 3,500 families in our parking lot on Thursday Mornings. This includes around 150 Thanksgiving Turkey or Ham family dinners (including all the fixings). 

Thanks to the 25 - 30 volunteers who welcome these campus visitors each Thursday with a smile and kind word. Retired, people working on their days off, and high school students make up an amazing team that help pack up, hand out, and even deliver these bags to people who are home-bound, aging and/or physically challenged?  Yes!  An average of 40 families an individuals per month receive 2 visits from a member of this dedicated team allowing them to receive nourishing food from smiling caring people

 Many volunteers have been showing up on Thursdays for over 10 - 20 years and a few have been there regularly, serving for over 30 years.

 Our mission is to be a caring Christian witness to hungry people  - another wonderful way that CPC shares the gospel with the local community!

 Join us and volunteer for this wonderful service ministry! Call Helen Lowes: (805) 217-1697 or email her at: for information.