• The school does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion or national or ethnic origin or any special needs. Inclusion practices are a part of our philosophy and our belief system as we follow Jesus’s teachings. Licensing regulations require that the parents of each child enrolled sign an admission agreement, provide proof of immunizations, a health history, consent for medical treatment in an emergency and acknowledgment of the parent's and child's rights. Children shall ordinarily not be enrolled in the school for less than two months. A child must be potty-trained or actively involved in potty training to be enrolled in an up stair’s classroom.

  • School begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 11:55 a.m. It is requested that children not arrive later than 9:15 a.m., if possible. Many children feel awkward when they arrive late and everyone is already busily involved. If your child is not staying for Lunch Bunch, please be at your child’s classroom by 11:55 a.m. for pick-up. The teacher will release your child to you (or your designated person) when you have signed your child out for the day.

  • The following reflect our extended care hours: Early Birds: 7:30 am-9:00 am Lunch Bunch: 12:00 noon-1:30 pm Play & Learn: 1:30 pm-4:00 pm

  • State law requires that the person bringing a preschool child to school accompany him/her to the classroom and sign the child in. Full signatures (first initial and last name is acceptable) and the time of day are required. The adult needs to remain with the child until s/he is greeted and admitted to the class by the teacher. Also, you need to leave a telephone number where an authorized person can be reached to pick up your child within thirty minutes, if necessary. We strongly suggest that you carry a cell phone so we will be able to reach you in an emergency.

    Children must also be signed out. Children will only be dismissed to those noted on the consent form. Be sure to include any members of your car pool on this form. In case of emergency, phone authorization for pick up will be accepted only if the parent makes the call. A signed note can be sent to authorize someone not on the consent form to pick up the child. Special forms are available by the sign‑in sheet for this purpose. In the case of a divorce, the custodial parent must notify the school in writing if the non‑custodial parent is not to take the child without consent of the custodial parent. Proof of custody and visitation rights must be provided for the child's file. Note: Anyone picking up your child needs to be at least 18 years old.

  • State law requires that we check the children for signs of illness each day. Since it would be upsetting to a child to be sent back home, please keep your child home when any of the following are present: Fever, vomiting or diarrhea within the past 48 hours; persistent cough, sore throat or runny nose not attributable to allergy; rash of unknown cause; conjunctivitis; or symptoms of any contagious disease. Children with bacterial infections must have been on antibiotics for three days before returning to school. Please notify the school as soon as possible if your child has any communicable disease. We cannot accommodate requests to keep a child indoors after an illness. Children need to stay home who are not well enough to go outdoors. If a health emergency arises at school, 911 and the parents will be called immediately.

  • Please call the school if your child is absent more than one day or if he or she has a communicable disease. There are no make-up days for missed days.

  • Generally the school does not administer medications to the children. If your child has a need for preventative, maintenance or emergency medication, please discuss this with the Director. Decisions will be made on a case by case basis. All medication left at school needs a doctor’s note with instructions and cannot be expired.

  • Paint, glue and other “messy” materials are an important part of the preschool program, along with playing in the sand & dirt with water. We do have aprons for the children to wear during messy art, but it is difficult to avoid getting clothes soiled. Therefore, we ask that you send your child to school in clothing that is comfortable and suitable for school projects. Sturdy, comfortable shoes are also important. Non-slip soles and Velcro fasteners are preferred. High-top shoes are difficult to manage. Please do not send your child to school in flip-flops or sandals that do not have a strap across the back. Please note that children who wear open-toed shoes will not be able to ride bikes that day for their own safety. Each child needs to bring a labeled change of clothing (including underwear and socks) in a labeled zip-lock bag. These things are to be left at school for the year. Please be sure to label all sweaters, jackets and lunch boxes. We recommend that children wear sunscreen, even on overcast days. NOTE: DRAWSTRINGS CAN BE DANGEROUS IF CAUGHT ON PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT. Please remove all drawstrings from sweatshirts, jackets, etc.

  • Toys from home often get lost or broken, so we ask that you not allow your child to bring them to school. This includes play backpacks, purses and their contents. Any toys brought from home will be put in the child’s cubby during the day. However, there will be times the teacher will encourage the children to bring a book, CD or something else that relates to the learning theme. Please abide by the policy in the classroom newsletter. Exceptions are made for security items, especially at the beginning of the year. Please label security items and share bag items.

  • You will receive a newsletter each month from your child's teacher with information specific to your child's class. You will receive a quarterly newsletter from the Preschool Director. The school newsletter is also posted on the bulletin board in the hallway near the office, and the class newsletter in the classroom. Newsletters are sent home with the children. Anyone with shared custody who desires duplicate information sent home needs to make a specific request with the office. Each classroom has a white board near the door to provide highlights of the day’s activities. We also have a white board, near the office and down stairs near room 102, to post reminders and other announcements that affect everyone. Please read it each day when you arrive.

  • Occasionally differences arise between parents and teachers, or parents may have questions or concerns about their child’s school experience. The following procedure needs to be followed in such instances: Talk to the teacher about the concern. If not satisfied with the teacher’s response or action, talk to the Director. If still not satisfied, contact the Elder/Chairperson on the Preschool TEAM, putting your concern in writing. Following this procedure will ensure a healthy communication process, with a greater likelihood of a positive resolution for all concerned. The Preschool TEAM gives oversight to the school under the direction of the Session (church board). The names and phone numbers of the TEAM members are available in the preschool office.

  • Parents have the right by law to check on the well‑being of their children in preschool without notifying the school in advance. If you drop in, please check in at the preschool office first to receive a visitor badge, for the safety of all children. You may make an appointment with your child’s teacher any time after the first six weeks of school if you wish to observe your child at school. We ask that you do not discuss your child while in the classroom, but make an appointment with the teacher for a phone or in person conference if you feel one is needed. A parent may request a conference at any time that s/he feels it would be helpful and the school will do likewise. Here at CPC Preschool we believe that early intervention, if warranted, is one of the best ways to help children reach their full potential throughout their school years and throughout their lives. If we observe any behaviors that we think need another specialized observation we may suggest this to the child’s parent. Parents need to sign consent forms before any special observations or referrals to other agencies are made by the preschool.

  • For our downstairs classes, because allergies may not have presented themselves, please do not send any food containing any nuts. Including butters, peanut, almond, ect. Seed butters are acceptable. PLEASE PROVIDE NON-SUGAR SNACKS by checking out the labels on the food that you bring. The sugar content should be 9 grams or less and contain no chocolate. As you read the labels, note that sucrose, dextrose, glucose etc, are simple sugars and are not to be used. Also, please stay away from artificial sweeteners as the research is controversial regarding the effects of these additives on children. Basically, the fewer additives, the healthier the food is for the children. Thank you!


    PROTEIN Tofu, Beans & Rice, Edamame, Eggs

    DAIRY Cheese, Cottage Cheese, Dips, Milk, Yogurt

    GRAINS Tortillas, Breads, Bagels, English Muffins, Crackers

    FRUIT Apples, Oranges, Peaches, Bananas, Berries, Melons, Grapes

    VEGETABLES Carrot sticks, Celery sticks, Broccoli, Tomatoes, Zucchini, Cauliflower

  • During group time the birthday child will be recognized in a special way. Children with summer birthdays will not be left out. Talk to your child's teacher about this if your child has a summer birthday. The school also recognizes the children’s birthdays during chapel each month. PLEASE NOTE: Birthday party invitations are not to be distributed at school unless the whole class is invited. We can provide mailing and email addresses of the children in your child’s class.